1: Start your day right with these 7 Mediterranean diet breakfasts under 10 minutes! Quick, nutritious, and perfect for busy mornings.

2: Whip up a Greek yogurt parfait with fresh fruit and honey for a delicious and satisfying breakfast that's ready in no time.

3: Try a Mediterranean-style omelette with spinach, feta cheese, and cherry tomatoes for a protein-packed morning meal.

4: Toast whole grain bread and top with avocado, feta, and a sprinkle of za'atar for a filling and flavorful breakfast option.

5: Prepare a smoothie bowl with mixed berries, Greek yogurt, and granola for a refreshing and energizing start to your day.

6: Make a batch of overnight oats with almond milk, chia seeds, and sliced almonds for a convenient grab-and-go breakfast.

7: Enjoy a slice of whole grain toast topped with mashed avocado, smoked salmon, and a squeeze of lemon for a Mediterranean twist on classic avocado toast.

8: Bake a batch of Mediterranean diet muffins with whole wheat flour, oats, and dried fruit for a portable breakfast option.

9: Grab a handful of nuts, dried fruit, and a piece of whole fruit for a simple and nutritious breakfast that's perfect for busy mornings.